My style

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When I started doing martial arts, I always worried about which style is better, then I change clubs in search of the best fighting style, I trained different styles but I always lacked something in those styles, boxing is good for the street, for reflexes, stamina, but I was wondering what if someone threw you to the ground, how would a boxer cope? Bjj is perfect for one on one, but what if three people attack you, and what if they have knives and clubs. Then I realized that most of those arts and sports are limited, as a lover of history, I started to learn about martial arts, I read a lot of books, and realized that the essence of martial arts is self-defense, and boxing, bjj, kickboxing and mma are mostly sports martial arts, where you have a judge, a predetermined opponent and the time of the fight, although they can help a lot in self-defense, they are still limited, there are also traditional martial arts, which focus on preserving tradition, weapons that are unusable in modern times. then I came to military martial arts, such as krav mage, mcmap, military sambo, military sanda, kombato, Filipino martial arts, teukong moosool, kyeok sool do, jietaikakutojutsu and the like, and I realized that these skills are ideal for real situations, although most of those systems are hard to find, my thinking is that martial arts should be of that mentality. However, I found a krav maga club and started to train and realized that's it, there is no tradition, no attractive moves, only the essence of self-defense, sparring and real drills, but soon the club closed, so when I saw another krav maga club that was doing something completely different from of my club, I realized that there are fraudsters there too. In the meantime, I realized one important thing, I don't need to belong to any style of fighting anymore, but I need to train different styles and use everything that is useful, regardless of the technique from which style Bruce Lee would say, "absorb what is useful, discard what is useless". I met a guy at work a few years ago who has a lot of experience in martial arts and who shares the same opinion as me, we soon started training together, using techniques from all styles and testing them in full contact mma like sparrings. I'm still training boxing and krav maga, and I'm starting kali soon, and I don't limit myself to styles, because styles are a prison, I use everything that's useful. So I don't have a style, but practice fighting as it is in essence, without rules and for self-defense.

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