🥋 Welcome to Combat Life 🥊
Throughout my life I have trained over ten martial styles. Over time I became interested only in practical self-defense. I believe that many martial arts are stuck in tradition and rules, therefore they stopped evolving and thus became unusable in real life chaotic self defense situations. That’s why I started to train various martial styles in order to test what is practical and what is not. I am not guided by which style is better than another, but only by which techniques are practical for self-defense. Of course, we are all different and some techniques are more suitable for everyone and some less so, but the point is that we should all be guided by the practicality of the techniques that suit us, and not to be deceived by various techniques from martial arts just because the instructor tells us so and which we have not tested ourselves. On combat life, I promote the freedom of martial arts, not guided by styles, but by techniques.
The martial arts I trained:
- Aikido(Yellow belt)
- Taekwondo
- Wrestling
- Kickboxing(Yellow belt)
- Savate
- Ninjutsu
- Traditional Ju Jutsu(second place in Duo System)
- Self defense
- Uechi Ryu Karate(9th kyu)
- Shotokan karate(Yellow belt)
I am currently training Krav Maga, and with my friend I train freestyle, using the techniques of different martial arts and testing in freestyle full contact sparrings.
Combat life was created with one goal, which is the practical application of martial arts and combat sports in self-defense, we are not interested in katas, demonstrations, choreography, only practical application. Combat life does not belong to any style of martial arts, but uses the techniques of various martial arts for the purpose of practical application. We will present different martial arts, combat sports, self-defense systems, talk about them, analyze and test them in full contact sparring with very few restrictions.